(together with the time and date of birth of course), determine out ascendent.
This means we have gained a specific place on earth: we are.
-Karen Hamaker-Zondag
Each planet in the chart
represents one basic set of functional potentialities
inherent in human nature.
-Dane Rudhyar
a god = an archetype = a universal process = a planet
-Alice O. Howell
The ascendant also represents your path -
the journey that will develop those qualities
most necessary to bring the rest of your chart's potential
into full manifestation.
-Caroline Casey
The degree is the most mysterious element in astrology,
and indeed the key to all deeper astrological interpretation.
-Dane Rudhyar
A symbol of a point of balance and change
reached in the soul's development (sun's course)
when a line, as it were, is crossed
and a new soul-process is entered upon.
-G. A. Gaskell
When archetypes appear in our dreams,
they are almost identical to the archetypes
that exist in our charts - zodiac sign, planets and asteroids.
-Arielle Guttman
Astrology is masterful at conveying
the synchronicity between planetary positions
and the relationship to the symbols
that appear in a person's life or dream.
-Arielle Guttman