A birth-chart is a two-dimensional picture of the solar system
seen from the point of view of a particular locality
on the surface of the Earth at a particular time.
As such, it is also a kind of blueprint
of a three-dimensional human organism.
-Dane Rudhyar
What the natal chart does is simply to establish your place
in the time-space unfoldment of the solar system.
-Dane Rudhyar
The birth-chart has to be understood
as the archetype or seed-pattern of one's individual being -
as the symbolic 'form' of one's individuality,
and therefore also one's destiny,
for the two are identical.
-Dane Rudhyar
In the symbols of the horoscope
we find an especially concise map
of the archetypal qualities at work in our lives.
With the sky seen as a vast canvas of the arenas of the soul,
the planets at the moment of our birth
reveal symbolically where the archetypal principles
are most intensely focused for us.
-Ray Grasse
All your birth-chart reveals to you is a play of forces.
The main themes of your existence are there latent.
-Dane Rudhyar
Astrology is an art.
A birth-chart is a hieroglyph,
a structural formula which must be interpreted.
-Dane Rudhyar
There's a story going on in every chart;
the planets are the who,
the aspects are the what,
the signs are the how,
and the houses are the where.
-Laurence Hillman
Each person is born to express, in a pure a way as possible,
the promise contained in his birth chart.
-Alexander Ruperti
Your birth-chart is a message -
a set of instructions outlining in broad terms
the best way for you to become what you are
only potentially at birth -
that is, what place and function you were meant to fulfill
by being born at a precise place and moment.
-Dane Rudhyar
What does this birth-chart want me (who is the wholeness of it)
to discover, to understand, to do?
-Dane Rudhyar
Any attempt we make to improve ourselves and our lives
through understanding the dynamics of the birth chart
is a piece of alchemical work,
particularly if it starts approaching the domain of psychotherapy,
because this is taking the raw materials of the psyche
as portrayed in the horoscope
and transforming them through the intervention of consciousness.
-Liz Greene
The horoscope is a blueprint of our character.
-Isabel Hickey
The horoscope is an opus, a life's work.
-Liz Greene
A chart is the template of the way
we tend to process experience.
-Alice O. Howell
Not only does the birth chart symbolize
the unique structure of individual psychic anatomy,
it depicts the trajectory of personal evolutionary unfoldment.
-Glenn Perry
The one task of the person having this birth-chart
is to actualize as fully as possible this set of potentialities.
-Dane Rudhyar
It [the birth chart] also represents the basic schedule of actualization
of his birth-potentialities, his destiny.
-Dane Rudhyar
You can change what is written in your horoscope.
By acting at your lowest good,
you can turn an otherwise very good horoscope into a very challenging life.
But by acting by your highest good
you can definitely transform an astrological lemon of a chart
into terrestrial lemonade.
The sugar is consciousness.
-Alan Oken
No birth-chart is to be considered as unique.
It is a formula for integration; it is not "unique".
By using this chart as a principle of harmonization,
the individual can become an integrated whole;
but so can other people born at the same time or close to it.
-Dane Rudhyar
The chart is a "chord" of energies and functions.
What counts in it are not the component tones considered as isolated factors,
but the harmony of the whole.
-Dane Rudhyar