Astrology is the ancient study of cosmic cause and effect;
a system combining both poetic symbol and hard fact.
It describes the relationship between
the macrocosm and the microcosm,
the visible and the invisible,
and the inner and outer aspects of the universe.
-Astrology; The Celestial Mirror
There is not one Astrology with a capital A.
In each epoch the astrology of the time
was a reflection of the kind of order
each culture saw in celestial motions,
or the kind of relationship the culture formulated
between heaven and earth.
-Alexander Ruperti
The art-science called "astr-ology"
is the study of universal laws
as they apply to evolutionary unfolding consciousness;
consciousness is the one primordial light
and the symbols of the"lights" - Sun, Moon and planets -
are used to designate the faculties, vehicles and powers
by which unfolding consciousness becomes aware of divine consciousness.
We humans have correspondence with these planetary bodies
because we and they are creations of the same Divine Source
and vibratory affinity aligns us all together in this solar system.
-Elman Bacher

It [the Self] pervades the whole psyche
without existing as a independent unit.
However, it must be pointed out that the Self
is not only the centre but also the circumference
surrounding both the conscious and the unconscious.
It is the centre of the psychic totality
in the same way as the Ego is the centre of consciousness.
The Self is indivisible and everything is contained within it.
From this definition of the Self as containing the total human psyche,
we can conclude that in essence the Self corresponds
to the individual horoscope as a whole.
-Karen Hamaker-Zondag

Zodiac of Twelve Signs:
A symbol of the Cycle of Life
through which the Soul's development is accomplished.
The Soul, or indwelling Self (sun), proceeds in a spiral course,
whose cyclical progressions is in twelve stages
corresponding to the twelve signs.
These stages are related to human life
inasmuch as they each answer to certain parts of the Archetypal Man,
and each part has its stage of development in relation to the whole,
and every department of human experience is expressed in them.
-G. A. Gaskell
The Zodiac is the symbolic allegory of the Cycle of the Sun,
both physically and spiritually.
The Sun "the jewel in the Lotus" of the Zodiac
radiates its white light to each sign of the zodiac.
-Carlyle Pushong
Astrology is a form of imagination emerging from nature
and having direct relevance for everyday life.
It is an applied poetics,
a vision of life on earth stimulated by movements in the heavens,
which can take us into areas of self-reflection
as no other system of symbols and images can.
-Thomas Moore
The purpose of the study of astrology
is to consider the body of the universe and the body of man.
-Inez Eudora Perry
The body is an astrolabe
to calculate the astronomy of spirit.
-Djalal ad-Din Rumi
The goal of astrology
is the alchemy of personality.
-Dane Rudhyar
To the true philosopher-astrologer,
the zodiac is a structural framework
within which man can shape his unceasing search
for more inclusive and vital meanings.
-Dane Rudhyar
Astrology studies the space
between the facts and the observer.
-Steven Forrest
The gifts to be gained from astrology are those of eternal value -
clear perception, comprehension of the meaning of life,
a greater tolerance and understanding of one's fellow students.
We are all in this boat together,
why not learn to know each other better?
-Isabel Hickey
Astrology [is] a map, a pattern, a model,
that helps us understand our place in the entire scheme of things.
-June Singer
Astrology is the study of planetary cycles,
and their corresponding relationship to human activity.
-Raymond Merriman
Astrology may be defined as a technique for studying life cycles.
Its main objective is to determine the existence
of regular patterns in the succession of events,
patterns deciding internal experiences and events.
Once found, these patterns can be used
to control or interpret experiences and events.
-Dane Rudhyar
The starry vault of heaven
is in truth the open book of cosmic projection,
in which are reflected the mythologems,
i.e., the archetypes.
-Carl Jung
Astrology is a symbolic language
of archetypal processes.
-Alice O. Howell
Astrological archetypes
are the founts of Creative Intelligence.
-Bruce Burger
We are born at a given moment, in a given place,
and like vintage years of wine,
we have the qualities of the year and of the season
in which we are born.
-Carl Jung
Whatever is born, or done, in this moment of time,
takes on the qualities of this moment of time.
-Carl Jung
Man is not what he is because he was born when he was,
but he was born when he was
because he was, potentially, what he is.
-Marc Edmund Jones
The soul chooses a time to be born
because the astrological pattern fits the experiences needed
for the present stage of growth.
-Howard Sasportas
The individual has earned,
by a particular mode of development,
the horoscope he/she now has to work with.
-Raymond Merriman
A child is born on that day and at that hour
when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony
with his individual karma.
-Sri Yukteswar
The planets at the moment of our birth
symbolically reveal where the archetypal principles
are focused for each one of us.
-Ray Grasse
The moment of birth determines the nature of a person,
as the ever-changing planetary situation is crystallized in the body.
From that moment the soul is fixed in a particular psychological configuration
which will express the life of the individual temperament.
The position of the heavenly bodies are crucial;
but they are only indicative of the conditions
in the subtle realm from which the soul emerges.
-Warren Kenton
Astrology is a language.
If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.
It tells you what you were born for
and how you can best actualize the potentialities of your own nature.
-Dane Rudhyar
Astrology, through the interpretation of the horoscope,
assists men to the achievement of their maximum
by indicating to them the lines along which
their will may be progressively applied,
the goals to be sought,
and the individual means by which each one
may arrive at the outmost boundaries of his world.
-Grant Lewi
The said horoscope
contains his possibilities, limitations and difficulties from birth onwards:
the problems he will encounter, the things that bring him sorrow or joy,
the lessons he must learn and the gifts which will bear fruit.
In short, everything is present in potential form
but it is the individual himself who will decide
whether or not the possibilities will be realized.
-Karen Hamaker-Zondag
We have a personality, and that's what's shown in the horoscope;
it's the sum total of all these parts.
Sometimes we call them character traits,
sometimes we call them planets,
sometimes we call them archetypes,
but whatever we call them,
they're basically the characters we get to know on our inner stage.
-Laurence Hillman
The horoscope is a symbolic registration of consciousness
it is not a picture of static darkness
but its great value lies in picturing the essences
of a person's life-assignments and relative evolutionary status.
-Elman Bacher
The horoscope maps the processes
by which the various phases of experience,
when once set in motion, are consequent upon each other.
-Marc Edmund Jones
Becoming at any point in the zodiac
is a play with opposite becoming.
-Eric Schroeder
The great power of astrology
is its continual division or sorting of experience,
until every factor of issue or crisis
is exhibited primitively or naively enough
to enable man to change it or direct it as he wills.
-Marc Edmund Jones
Use the astrological influences as the means
to overcome the faults and failures,
or to minimize the faults
and to magnify the virtues in self.
-Edgar Cayce
The inclinations of man are ruled by the planets under which he was born,
for the destiny of man lies within the sphere or scope of the planets.
The strongest force used in the destiny of man
is the sun first, then the closer planets to the earth,
or those that are coming into ascension at the time of birth of the individual.
But let it be understood here, no action of any planet
or the phases of the sun, the moon or any of the heavenly bodies
surpass the rule of man's willpower.
-Edgar Cayce
There is no urge in the astrological,
in the vocational, in the hereditary or the environmental
which surpasses the will or determination of the entity.
-Edgar Cayce
The stars merely record a destiny that has been already formed,
they are a hieroglyph, not a Force -
or if their action constitutes a force, it is a transmitting energy,
not an originating Power.
-Aurobindo Ghose